De gemeente Mol zag zich geconfronteerd met een aantal zeer belangrijke en omvangrijke uitdagingen:

  • Implementation of Optimol project (optimisation programme as part of the merger between the Municipality and the PCSW)
  • The De Zwaan site was in need of a clear future vision – and its implementation – as regards the ownership structure, as well as the substantial implementation and all related consequences as regards the renovation of buildings or any new builds on this site.
  • Striving towards a unified implementation service on the Slagmolenstraat.
  • The old town hall, which housed the tourism service (both back-office and front-office) was no longer sufficient as a modern, multi-media and customer-friendly visitors' centre for tourists.

These challenges were having an enormous influence on the municipal portfolio. The current infrastructure was in need of structural alterations (conversions, relocation of functions, etc.) in order to carry out this project. Almost all the large sites were involved in this venture.

The Municipality was not expecting an elaborate and detailed design plan for the definitive layout of workstations and offices across the various locations. It did want a clear vision plan containing a first stab at the spatial functional implementation for the sites involved in their mutual coherence, whereby a range of scenarios should be put forward and elaborated upon. This vision plan needed to be clarified with the necessary floor plans and design sketches.


  • Customer: Municipality and PCSW of Mol
  • Period: 2018
  • Project scope: Accommodation study

A feasibility study investigated and calculated the surface areas needed for the functional requirements. The gap analysis between the current buildings and the future needs led to a range of scenarios, which were then worked through in more detail. The study needed to be brought into line with the required budgeting and a feasible phase-in during the following legislatures for the implementation of the scenarios developed.

Find out more about the accommodation study?