During this afternoon session of two hours (1:30 p.m. to 4 p.m.) several experts will speak. On the one hand, they will ask and answer the relevant questions with which construction professionals are increasingly coming into contact. On the other hand, there will be room for a number of relevant case studies. This webinar is organised by the Smart Buildings in Use cluster of the WTCB, of which Freestone is also a member.

Jolien De Veirman

In addition to Facility Advisor at Freestone, Jolien De Veirman also chairs the IFMA IoT working group.

In her presentation, she will elaborate on how to identify, select and implement facility services and associated technology from a feasible and cost-saving perspective.


  • Introduction by cluster coordinator Luc François (WTCB) + overview of results of survey among Flemish cities and municipalities (15')
  • Lecture: "How can smart technology make government buildings more sustainable? (Wim Boone, Ingenium) (25')
  • Case: 'Tilburg City Hall' by Benny Vanvolsem (Honeywell Partner Channel, building automation) (15')
  • Short break (10’)
  • Lecture: "Improve Facility Management and save costs through Smart Buildings" (Jolien De Veirman, Freestone) (25')
  • Case: 'The Black Pearl, the European Commission's new headquarters in Brussels' by Michel Grosemans (GIA, building automation) (15')
  • Lecture: "Smart buildings as a cornerstone for efficient maintenance management" (Bart Cox, Van Roey Services) (25')
  • Case: "Library, sports hall and other public buildings in Sint-Niklaas" by Karl Willemsen (Resus, corrosion detection installation) (15')
  • Q&A
Smat Buildings in Use