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Why inventorise?

Owing to the major expansion of the airport over the past few years, the data on its assets was no longer up to date. First there was an exploratory exercise of 500 assets, leading to a pilot project of 4000 assets. The assignment was soon extended to the remaining 20,000 assets, spread across 5 terminal and 55 out-buildings, including the Brucargo buildings.

How did we go about the job?

Freestone's staff covered miles and miles while carrying out this assignment. Armed with a tablet, they set off every day with lists and plans, supplied by the Brussels Airport drawing office and structured in the O’Prognose software.

These lists contained only the known assets, however. Our staff also found new, unknown assets during their journeys, which were added to the general list and drawn in on the plans. All the assets to be inventorised were equipped with a unique QR tag and subsequently photographed.

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  • Customer: Brussels Airport
  • Take-off: mid 2017 Touch-down: August 2018 Additional assignments until early 2019
  • Crew: 3 FTE
  • Size: + 20.000 assets tagged Type of tag: Rf id label, mount on metal, printed with unique number and QR code
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Exciting night work

In areas with a lot of passenger traffic, our staff mainly inventorised at night. For those assets hidden away in false ceilings, we had to work together with other service providers based on the available plans.

It was always exciting to discover whether the assets actually were where they were supposed to be. We also entered areas where no-one ever goes. The assets in the innumerable franchised areas were also inventorised. We first made clear agreements with the franchise operators for this.

Impressive result

The results were incredible. Three of Freestone's staff worked together for 264 days on the inventorisation of more than 20,000 assets. This meant there were no less than 100 assets being charted per day over a period of 14 months. On average, each member of Freestone's staff covered a little over 5 miles per day to do so.

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